लखन थापा मगर पार्क | दाङ | घोराही
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लखन थापा मगर पार्क | दाङ | घोराही
लखन थापा पार्कमा मानिसहरुको आवत जावतको लागि चार दिशाबाट गेट राखिएको छ जस्तै १.नं. गेट दक्षिण, २.नं. गेट पूर्ब, ३.नं. गेट उत्तर र ४.नं. गेट पश्चिम रहेको छ। यश पार्कमा विशेष गरि बिदाको दिनमा भिडभाड हुने गर्दछ। यश पार्कमा फाेटो खिच्नेको लाइन लाग्ने गर्दछन् र फोटो खिचेर आम्दानी गरि रहेका छन्। यस पार्कलाई पहिले त्रिभुवन पार्कको नामबाट परिचय थियो भने अहिले छोटकरी शब्दमा लखन थापा पार्कको नामबाट प्रसिध्द छ। यस पार्क मा गेट नं.३ उत्तर दिशा तिर विभिन्न जातियको पोशाक लगाएर फोटो खिच्ने गरिन्छ। लिम्बू, शेर्पा, मगर, तामाङ, क्षेत्री, गुरुङ, राई, नेवार, थारूहरूको पोसाक पाइन्छ र लगाएर फोटो खिचिने गरिन्छ। फुल, रूख, आदि बिरूवाहरुको सौन्दर्यले भरिपुर्ण भरिएको यस लखन थापा पार्क हो।
Lakhan Thapa Magar Park | Dang | Ghorahi
Lakhan Thapa Park has gates from four directions for the entry and exit of people such as 1.No. Gate South, 2.No. Gate East, 3.No. Gate North and 4.No. The gate is west. Yash Park is crowded especially on holidays. There is a queue of people taking pictures in Yash Park and they are earning by taking pictures. This park was earlier known as Tribhuvan Park and now it is known as Lakhan Thapa Park in short. In this park, gate no. 3 north direction is used to take pictures wearing different ethnic costumes. Limbu, Sherpa, Magar, Tamang, Chhetri, Gurung, Rai, Newar, Tharu costumes are found and photographed. Lakhan Thapa Park is full of beauty of flowers, trees, plants etc.
Brief description of Nepal’s first martyr Lakhan Thapa Magar:
Gorkha District Shahid Lakhan Ga. Pa. Ward. No. 8 Village Bhangar He was born in 1891. Lakhan Thapa Magar’s real name is Laxman Singh Thapa Magar. He was educated in Almoda, India. In 1911, the Magar platoon joined the army under the old Gorkha platoon. He was promoted to captain. It happened in 1925. After that, in 1927, Jahaniya Rana quit his job and started working in public works. Lakhan Thapa Magar built an army of 2,000 youths in a short period of time and collected 60 nal kanduks, a large number of swords, clubs, spears, knives, khukuri and other homemade weapons. In 1928, he was declared Mukhtiyar (Prime Minister) after setting up a rebel/rebel government. Gorkha Bungkota was hanged on a khirra tree in front of the Mankamana temple inside the palace fort he had built on 2nd Falgun 1933. He was declared a martyr by the Nepal government on 2056. From the Government of Nepal V. No. On 2072/06/03, Nepal’s first martyr was announced. Government of Nepal In 2073, postage stamps were launched. Nepal Magar Association District Coordination Committee Chairman Khul Prasad Pun Magar was the Shalik Construction Committee.
Ghorahi Sub-Metropolitan-14
Country: Nepal
District: Dang
State: Lumbini State No.5
Gallery (ग्यालेरी):